Best Adidas Shoes for Men
The best Adidas shoes for men deserve their place in the footwear pantheon. Since setting up shop in the late '40s, the Three Stripes has remained a reliable source for classic sneakers, the type of perennial best sellers that still inspire countless imitations today.
Adidas Originals Rod Laver vintage shoes
Add Rod Laver—11-time Grand Slam champion, 8-time Pro Slam champion—to the list of people Adidas made more famous as a sneaker than an actual human being.

Adidas Originals x Craig Green scuba phormar shoes
Take it from British wunderkind Craig Green: the coolest sneakers on the market right now look positively amphibious.

Adidas Originals Forum low ADV shoes
The shoe that's about to be everywhere should be on your feet, too.