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Sep 12, 2024

You might not know it, but I’m manifesting something for you right now. It’s that you look so fucking good this fall. I want you to walk down the street and have at least five people ask you where you got your outfit and say, “I just had to stop you because you’re fabulous.” The way we’re going to accomplish this is by you reading this article, FYI. Because essentially what this is is a guide to wearing all of autumn’s coolest looks.

As we all know, today’s trends can be a flash in the pan, but I promise you, these ones are the ones with real staying power. These are the kinds of trends you can get multiple seasons or years out of, because they’re fun enough to stand out but still so classic.

Scroll on to dive into each trend category (clothing, shoes, bags, and jewelry) and—best part, IMO—shop them now so you can start wearing them stat.

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