Fast Food Fun Facts

Apr 26, 2022


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mollis pellentesque urna, a malesuada dui tincidunt vel. Donec congue accumsan sapien a pulvinar. Mauris quis ligula a tortor imperdiet maximus a quis arcu. Ut iaculis volutpat velit sed volutpat. Integer eu nisi iaculis quam pharetra facilisis. Sed at congue lacus, sit amet ultrices odio. Morbi consequat enim non lacus rhoncus tincidunt.

Vestibulum malesuada venenatis facilisis. Ut eget orci mauris. Nullam at vulputate est. Nunc molestie ante dapibus, rutrum urna sed, feugiat elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut purus purus, semper vel eleifend vel, pulvinar ut lorem. Integer vel nunc est. Vivamus id pharetra erat.

1. The burger is not the actual name

The burger is a stripped name, and the original name of this popular fast food is Hamburger. The name was derived from the Hamburg steaks, which were introduced to the U.S by German immigrants.

2. McDonald’s has a record for selling burgers

If you love grabbing a burger from the oh so popular McDonald’s, then you must know that the majestic burger giant has broken records. It now holds the record of selling more than 300 billion burgers to date. In fact, as per the research, the company sells more than 75 burgers every second.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mollis pellentesque urna, a malesuada dui tincidunt vel. Donec congue accumsan sapien a pulvinar. Mauris quis ligula a tortor imperdiet maximus a quis arcu. Ut iaculis volutpat velit sed volutpat. Integer eu nisi iaculis quam pharetra facilisis. Sed at congue lacus, sit amet ultrices odio. Morbi consequat enim non lacus rhoncus tincidunt.

Vestibulum malesuada venenatis facilisis. Ut eget orci mauris. Nullam at vulputate est. Nunc molestie ante dapibus, rutrum urna sed, feugiat elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut purus purus, semper vel eleifend vel, pulvinar ut lorem. Integer vel nunc est. Vivamus id pharetra erat.

1. The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000

Luis XIII in Salerno, Italy has the world’s most expensive pizza with a price tag of $12,000! This is no ordinary pizza, first the dough is aged perfectly before the chief arrives at your home. Yes, they will create this masterpiece in your home kitchen. Some of the ingredients include, three types of caviar, lobster from Norway, Cilento, bufala mozzarella cheese and grains of pink Australian sea-salt from the Murray River.

2. Breakfast Pizza, 36% of Americans believe that pizza is a breakfast meal

Pizza in the morning? 36% of Americans eat pizza as a breakfast meal. Now, I don’t know if that is leftovers from the night before. I always think pizza tastes better the next day.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In mollis pellentesque urna, a malesuada dui tincidunt vel. Donec congue accumsan sapien a pulvinar. Mauris quis ligula a tortor imperdiet maximus a quis arcu. Ut iaculis volutpat velit sed volutpat. Integer eu nisi iaculis quam pharetra facilisis. Sed at congue lacus, sit amet ultrices odio. Morbi consequat enim non lacus rhoncus tincidunt.

Vestibulum malesuada venenatis facilisis. Ut eget orci mauris. Nullam at vulputate est. Nunc molestie ante dapibus, rutrum urna sed, feugiat elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut purus purus, semper vel eleifend vel, pulvinar ut lorem. Integer vel nunc est. Vivamus id pharetra erat.

1. “Burrito” means “Little Donkey”

The reason why “burrito” has this meaning is unknown. However, the most wide-spread theory behind it is that it was served out of the back of the donkey cart. There are several other theories for why burrito means a “little donkey”. According to a popular theory, a burrito resembles a donkey’s ear. Another theory suggests that burritos look like the bedrolls which donkeys used to carry around.

2. The U.S Menu First Introduced Burritos in the 1930s

Burritos were already making rounds in many American states before they made it to the U.S. menu in the 1900s. The first U.S. restaurant that featured burritos was the El Cholo Spanish Café in Los Angeles.

California is still known for its mouth-watering burritos, especially the Mission burrito. It happens to be the most popular type of burrito in the United States.

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