How to spend the weekend: 25 ideas for a non-boring weekend

Eng Gallery Sep 2, 2021

You have every chance to have a good rest, have fun and even spend time usefully.

1. Get to know your hometown better

Everyone has their favorite places to walk. And what about those parts of the city that you have never been to? A weekend is a great opportunity to sign up for an excursion, go to the local history museum or just wander through unfamiliar streets.

2. Gather friends

However, in the cold season, you don't always want to walk under the snow and the piercing wind. The way out is to gather friends at your place. Just like that, without any reason. And it's even better to invent this reason: a New Year's rehearsal, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, the release of a new episode of your favorite TV series. Are there not enough ideas for theme parties?

3. Disassemble and sell old things

Many people have a pile of retro junk gathering dust at home, which can either be donated to those in need, or sold profitably on Avito or eBay. And now it's time to do it. And while you're sorting it out, indulge in memories.

4. Arrange a photo shoot

The days fly by unnoticed, and you can't even remember what you did last weekend? Try to capture every pleasant moment of your life in a photo.

5. Cook something special

Choose something complex and beautiful, buy everything you need in the store and start. Try to decorate the dish like in a restaurant, light candles that have been gathering dust in the closet since last New Year, mix an unusual cocktail. The weekend is a holiday that is always with you.

6. Spend time with children

A weekend with children is a good chance to return to childhood for a short time yourself and not be considered an infantile crank at the same time. Go to a new cartoon movie theater, a children's play, a zoo, a planetarium, an oceanarium, a museum of entertaining science, toys or sweets (yes, not all museums are dedicated to boring things). If you don't have your own children, you can "borrow" them from friends or relatives.

7. Take care of your health

Think about what you would like to change in yourself, what causes you the most inconvenience in your body, what doctors previously recommended to you. And then you can either go to the gym, or choose your own exercises for yourself.


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