Samsung x

cases Mar 21, 2022

IAB MIXX Awards / Silver  "Test & Learn Campaign"

Samsung has tested's mobile rich-media format "Stories" for the product line Galaxy Watch4 announcement.

Check our detailed video case below.


Case Results

Attention metrics

With attention metrics, brand marketers can learn from, optimize toward, and strengthen campaign effectiveness in their effort to generate better business outcomes.
  • 64% Attention Impressions
  • 67% of the Impressions were viewed in full
  • on average, users interacted with the creative elements for 19 seconds

Creative engagement metrics

  • 2,35% of users have interacted with the configurator
  • 1,04% — click-through rate

Brand Metrics

Ad recall measures how memorable an advertisement is to an audience, Purchase Intent measurs each shopper's propensity to buy a product or service and Product Awareness is the degree of knowledge that customers have about a product.
  • Ad Recall +45 p.p. (percentage points)
  • Purchase Intent +6 p.p.
  • Product Awareness +12 p.p.


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