Which lawn mower is better to buy: choose the type and model

Eng Gallery Sep 2, 2021

Gasoline lawnmowers are usually high-performance, maneuverable and reliable. They are designed for intensive operation and are suitable for processing large lawns.

Electric lawn mowers do not require the cost of fuel and lubricants. They will be an excellent solution for cutting a small lawn area.

With the arrival of summer, the owners of homesteads and cottages are thinking about how to put their lawn in order — an important component of landscape design. And the best solution to the problem is to buy a lawn mower. However, it is not so easy to make the right choice with all the variety of models and brands. In our review, we will talk about how to choose a lawn mower based on your individual needs, and we will give a rating of lawn mowers in three different categories of this gardening equipment.

Types of lawn mowers

How to choose the right lawn mower? First, you need to understand the functional differences between a lawn mower and similar gardening equipment: trimmers and motorcycle mowers. Often, the owners of suburban real estate do not see a significant difference between these equipment, which is fraught with mistakes when choosing equipment.

A lawn mower is a medium-sized and powerful gardening equipment moving on wheels for mowing lawn grass on a flat landscape.

A trimmer is a low-power mechanism designed for carrying in the hands, consisting of a cutting element, a rod and a motor. The trimmer is used if it is necessary to cut grass on an uneven surface, in hard-to-reach places and near plantings. This device is usually used for processing relatively small areas. Or to finish mowing the remaining areas where the lawn mower did not pass.

Motokosa (benzokosa) is a more powerful and structurally more reliable version of the trimmer. Designed for mowing tall grass and mowing on uneven areas. It can be used as the main tool for caring for the site if it is not possible to use a lawn mower, but due to the fact that mowing is carried out manually and occurs unevenly, it is poorly suited for use on lawn grass.


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