Winter is coming: how to strengthen children's immunity?
Now, when autumn rains and slush are outside the window, all parents are especially concerned about strengthening the immunity of their children.

Older children are already used to seasonal climate changes, have taught their immunity to be in a team and do not get sick after the first sneeze (although this also happens). What is children's immunity and how to help it? How to teach the body to protect itself from the very first days of life? How can parents help a child and raise children's immunity together? It is these pressing questions that we will answer in our article. The human immune system is an extremely complex system, all the mechanisms of which are constantly being investigated. The main task of immunity is to protect the body from the effects of foreign agents, such as bacteria, their toxins and viruses. The immune system is also responsible for responding correctly to the various components of nutrition that the baby receives. However, if there is a deviation from the norm in any direction, the immune system may begin to "skip" enemy attacks, or, on the contrary, react too violently - this may manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions or the development of diseases.